maanantai 14. helmikuuta 2011


13.06. Depth Beyond One's - Soledad In The Gale (Demo, 150 x CD-R)
             * download

21.02. Depth Beyond One's - Ebb (Demo/EP, 200 x CD-R)
             * radio: A Human Decay, 29.3.2007 @ Metalliliitto, YleX
             * download  

27.08. Red Industry - Stainless Ore (Demo, 50 x CD-R)
             * download

19.11. Red Industry - Spectral Cut (Demo, 5-10 x CD-R)
             * download

09.03. Depth Beyond One's - Red Lines Entwined (Album, 500 x CD)
             * radio: Black Years, 21.5.2009 @ Metalliliitto, YleX 
             * listen  

01.06. Godlesson - Godlesson EP (drums on the hidden track)

17.09. Clock Paradox - Promo 2009 (EP, 50 x CD-R / 50 x CD-R remix)
             * radio: Convictions, 1.10.2009 @ Metalliliitto, YleX
             * radio: Convictions, 31.10.2009 @ Oulu rokkaa, Radio Mega 

06.12. Clock Paradox - Promosexual2009 (EP, 100 x CD-R)

08.01. Joint Depression - Letting To Another (Unofficial single, 3-5 x CD-R)
             * radio: Letting To Another, 6.8.2011 @ Oulu rokkaa, Radio Mega
             * download  

22.12. Clock Paradox - The Five Precepts (EP, 50 x CD-R)
             * radio: Footprints, 3.2.2011 @ Kaarle ja Erno raskaana, YleX
             * radio: Footprints & The Perfect Canvas, 12.3.2011 @ Oulu rokkaa, Radio Mega
             * download

18.03. K+K-tactics - sub specie aeternitatis (Demo, 10 x 10" vinyl / 20+24+4 x MC, Progeiitti Records)
             * radio: Imperative Movement, 27.11.2010 @ Oulu rokkaa, Radio Mega
             * download  

18.03. K+K-tactics - Special Stuff 2004-2010 (Compilation, 10 x MC)

23.09. Godlesson - Fuck, Satan, Hell, Die, Yeah! (Album, 100 x CD-R digipak)
              * radio: Lavatory Suicide, 13.10.2011 @ Torstain terävimmät, Radio Rock
              * radio: FSHDY, Barely Legal & DBD, 15.10.2011 @ Oulu rokkaa, Radio Mega
              * radio: FSHDY, 23.02.2012 @ Radio Rock
              * download   

10.12. Depth Beyond One's - Red Lines Re-Entwined (Remixed album, digital release only)
             * download

10.04. Joint Depression - sisamassam (Album, 100 x CD-R)
             * radio: Narcissistic Prostitute, 26.4.2011 @ Torstain terävimmät, Radio Rock
             * download 

06.06. Depth Beyond One's - Monuments of Control (EP, 150 x CD-R / 50+10 x MC, Progeiitti Records)
             * download 

09.11. Foreskin rollers - s/t (EP, 50 x CD-R / 13 x MC)
             * listen 

23.11. Clock Paradox - Egotheism (Album, Inverse Records, 500 x CD)
              * radio: In the Flesh, 22.11.2012 @ Torstain terävimmät, Radio Rock
              * radio: In the Flesh, 18.06.2013 @ Radio City, Oulu
             * listen

17.05. Joint Depression - Lowdown (Album/movie, 100 x DVD-R digipak)
             * listen / watch 

27.06. K+K-tactics - Earth Of Life (Digital single / music video, Progeiitti Records)
             * radio: Earth Of Life, 08. & 15.07.2014 @ Korvakemistit, Oi fm
             * listen / watch 

13.12. Godlesson - Sunset Saloon (Digital single / music video)
             * listen / watch

24.06. Foreskin rollers - s/t (Album/movie, 20 x DVD-R)
             * listen / watch 

20.07. Napalm Ted - Swallow (Demo, 50+6 x MC, Ape Tit Rec)
             * listen / download 

18.08. Clock Paradox - Opium (Album, digital)
             * listen / download

31.03. Napalm Ted - Into A Black Ooze (EP, 20 x MC, HOBO TAPES)
             * listen / download 

13.08. K+K-tactics / DUM BRASS split tape (EP, 90 x MC, Progeiitti Records)
             * listen / download 

28.10. Napalm Ted - Napalm Ted / Mustasuo split (100 x 7" + 3 x test pressings)
             * listen / download

17.02. Napalm Ted - Fleshbox (EP, 50 x MC, Ape Tit Rec)
             * listen / download

06.10. Napalm Ted - Coffin Liquor (EP, 66 x MC, Mögähead / 100 x CD-R promo)

             * listen / download

30.04. Iku-Turso / Kalmankantaja - Ikuinen Tuli (Split, Wolfspell Records / Analög Ragnarök)
25.05. Napalm Ted - Mouthful (Album, 70+30 x MC, Upper Class Twat Tapes / Mögähead)
             * listen / download 
16.06. Foreskin rollers - Hoedown (Album, 20 x MC, Upper Class Twat Tapes / 8 x LP, 50 x DVD-R)
             * listen / watch

22.10. Joint Depression - Beyond All Black (Album/movie, ?? x CD-R / ?? x DVD-R)
             * listen / watch
13.12. Lesser Celandine - Chronicles 2002-2004 (Compilation, 13 x MC, Progeiitti Records)
             * listen (teaser)

05.04. Napalm Ted - Complete Success (2015-2017) (Compilation, 300 x CD, Mögähead / Narcoleptica Productions)
             * listen / download
08.08. Iku-Turso - Storm Over Isengard (EP, His Wounds / Wolfspell Records / Korpituli Production)

06.09. K+K-tactics - Hearth Of Life (Digital single, Progeiitti Records)

17.01. K+K-tactics - All the best (Compilation, 33 x CD-R, Progeiitti Records)
20.03. Iku-Turso & Goats Of Doom - Ikuinen Kuolema (Split, 300 x 7", Wolfspell Records)
30.04. FSR - Broken (Album, ? x LP)
15.05. Iku-Turso - Pakana (Album, Wolfspell Records)
03.07. Napalm Ted - Drop Attack (Album, 75 x MC, Mögähead / ScumRec. / Suspected of Arson Records)
04.12. Napalm Ted x Grindonesia (Split, 40 x 3"CD-R, Ape Tit Rec)

31.05. Kurjasto - Tape Sampler (Digital single, Mögähead)
18.06. Kurjasto - Collected Works VOL. 1 (Compilation, 20 x MC, Ape Tit Rec)
02.07. Napalm Ted - Cesspool of Human Mind (EP, 50 x MC, Mögähead)
01.10. Iku-Turso - At The Crack Of Dawn (EP, ? x 8", 100 x MC, Korpituli Production)
14.10. FSR - Good In Hell (Album, ? x LP)

14.01. Napalm Ted - Tukikohta Torment: 15 New Live Songs (Album, 12 x MC, Ape Tit Rec)
04.05. Iku-Turso - Into Dawnless Realms (Album, Wolfspell Records, Korpituli Production)
23.09. Joint Depression - When (Digital single, Luminol Records)
11.11. Joint Depression - Projection (Album, digital, Luminol Records)
11.11. Napalm Ted - Purgatorium (Digital single)
02.12. Napalm Ted - Pestilential Pursuit (EP, 50 x MC, Mögähead / Wrong Disk Records, 100 x CD-R, Surrogate Rec.)
02.12. Joint Depression - Homecoming (Digital single, Luminol Records)

10.05. Napalm Ted - Succumb Into Madness (Album, 50 x MC, Mögähead, 120 x 10" vinyl, minoRobscuR)
19.07. Godlesson - Some Rage (Digital single)
14.02. Napalm Ted x Demonio Tallán (Split, 20 x CD-R, Ape Tit Rec)
03.03. Lesser Celandine - Chronicles 2000-2001 (Compilation, 3 x 2CD-R, Progeiitti Records)

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